Current Vacancies

2. OG - Office Space

Floor Area

  • 232.8 Square Meters

Floor Height

  • 3.75 Meters

Download The Floor Plan

Overal Building Specifications


Ground Floor (Retail)

1.OG (Office)

2. OG (Office)

3. OG (Office)

4. OG (Office)

5. OG (Office)

6. OG (Office)

Floor Area

628. 60 sqm

582.40 sqm

232.8 sqm

625.5 sqm

625.5 sqm

570.9 sqm

381.70 sqm

Ceiling Height

4.50 m

4.04 m

3.75 m

3.15 m

3.15 m

3.25 m

3.25 m

The Tuteur Haus building exudes handsome elegance and clear consciousness of form fulfilling functionality, comfort and health given its sensible configuration, natural layout, air and light.

(917) 770-0900